Please be polite & courteous to fellow guests while waiting for attractions. Guests are not permitted to save places in queue or exit the queue & return to claim same place, for any reasons. Photography, videotaping, recording, broadcast or transmission for commercial purposes is prohibited. Do not engage in unsafe, illegal activities or offensive behaviour. It may result in expulsion from the Parks without refund. Do not interfere with the duties of the Park staff. Do not disrupt any program, activity or facility at the Park. Do not urinate or defecate on Park property. Please refer to the Park map for washrooms. Do not deface, destroy, injure, misuse or remove any Park property.Do not litter. | Do not distribute any printed material for marketing of any kind. Posting notices, signs or any other objects on Park property is prohibited. Do not engage in gambling. Do not create noise through gadgets etc. so as to disturb the peace. Do not enter restricted areas. Do not conduct an unauthorized event, hold demonstrations or unauthorized public gatherings &, make speeches. In case you notice any irregular activity or misconduct please report it to the Park staff. Excessive consumption of alcohol is cause for ejection from the Park without refund. No one under the age of 25 is permitted to consume alcoholic beverages, & proper ID is required to purchase and/or consume alcohol. |